Message from the Athletic Trainer:
For those of you who are not familiar with who or what a Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC) is, I’d like to introduce myself and explain some of the services I offer as the Head Athletic Trainer here at Bensalem High School.
An Athletic Trainers priority is to keep the student athletes on the field of play and have he/she return from injuries as safely and as quickly as possible. I am on campus daily, during every home game and practices. My main responsibilities include preventative care, acute injury care, evaluation and rehabilitation of athletic injuries. Typically, when an injury occurs I will evaluate the student athlete to determine severity, apply first aid, and then determine along with the athlete and parents the best course of treatment. Besides first aid, I can reassess injuries daily and provide treatments, muscular skeletal rehabilitation, taping, etc.
Concussions are a reality in sports and your child may suffer a concussion during play. Along with your physician, I will help manage the recovery from initial evaluation, to daily symptom monitoring, obtaining necessary MD clearances, supervising vital signs posttest(s) and monitoring your child throughout the Return to Play Protocol. I will work with parents, coaches, the school nurse, physicians and guidance counselors to assist in providing proper rest, mental and physical, for your child while he/she recovers.
Injury prevention and education are key factors to allow the student athlete playing safely and effectively. Please, I encourage your child to report ALL injuries ASAP. Early intervention can lead to a quicker return to activity. If you have any specific health and safety concerns or questions, please feel free to contact me.
A little about me: I am a 2020 graduate from the University of Pittsburgh with a bachelor's of science degree. I have been a NovaCare employee since 2021, which is when I started my time as head athletic trainer at Bensalem High School. I am proud to say I am an Owl myself. I enjoy being outdoors, watching sports, and playing golf.
Ryan Molz, ATC, LAT Head Athletic Trainer NovaCare Rehabilitation Bensalem High School 4319 Hulmeville Road Bensalem, PA 19020 215-750-2800 ext 3767 Email: